A Different Crop

I have really enjoyed creating and sharing this series of images, yet I do not want to get stuck in a creative groove so this will be the last for now; though I am sure I shall return to these images of turbulent water and distorted reflections. For this image I simply returned to an earlier photograph and tried a different crop. As before, less photoshopping than you might imagine; the colours, textures and patterns were there in nature; I saw it, photographed it and then used my imagination to create an image. Yet this second bite of the cherry could so easily have been missed; so I must always try and look at things with fresh eyes and fresh vision from time to time.



Not Australia

Well I had thought I would move on from the current series of enhanced water images so I started to work on some more classical Cumbria views. But the folder had more images from waterfalls and rapids and I started to look at them and …. hooked again. The technique is roughly the same …. Start with a good photo, crop it down to some interesting shapes, and enhance the colour; the rest is done by Gaia, with constantly changing motion, shapes and textures even on one set of rapids, and then there are so many more to choose from. I am having fun with these images, and creating work where I never fail to be surprised at the infinite varieties. This image even reminded me of some of my images of Australia from the air, several posts earlier, yet it is from a mountain stream near Stockley Bridge in Cumbria, and I was only a couple of metres away.


Boundless possibilities

These images again started life as a photo just a couple of metres from the previous two.  Similarly they result from cropping and colour enhancement. I looked at both these images and liked both for slightly different reasons. The crop on the second is so severe, just the point where water tumbles between two boulders, so severe that it loses detail, yet enhances the impression of water and movement and turbulence and light.The first shows a little more detail and in so doing shows more of the beautiful forms created in nature. They are both deliberately impressionistic, trying to get the feel of this mountain beck and the moments I was there. The photos were taken literally just seconds apart; and show how slight changes in the flow, the wind, the light,  ensure that no two images will ever be the same at this spot. Add to that my own creativity in working on the photos and thus even more different permutations are possible. It all makes the point that the number of differing images is boundless, limited only by the creativity of nature and the imagination of the artist.
