Level Discovery

A few days ago I went to visit some friends. They live on a small hill overlooking the Somerset Levels. And the Somerset Levels are, well, flat; goes with the word level really, so I’ve never had much interest in them other a than a small hillock that sticks out of them; Glastonbury Tor. Yet, one evening one of my friends invited to go out for a stroll and drove down the hills to the levels. A photographic challenge; no medieval city, no waves (big or small), no waterfalls, no majestic mountains or tumbling streams, no rolling hills or tidal waters; even the ‘rivers’ are mostly drainage ditches, slow and sluggish water. In short nothing from my usual subject matter. Yet it was early dusk on a warm spring day, and, in the course of an hour’s stroll,  I discovered there is beauty down there; so I shall share some of it.
