
I recently went with M&M to the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. It was fascinating, with so many styles, so many subjects, some to my taste and some not. And there was far less dross than previous years, and I define dross as something where the so-called artist is daring us to say ’emperor’s new clothes’ for fear of being called a philistine; not simply because it is not my taste. So dross this year was a triangular canvass just painted in uniform grey; not in my view art, simply a painter trying it on. Yet there was far less of that and it was an interesting visit; yet with disappointingly few photographers compared to previous years. And the photographs are usually black & white (B&W). And whilst I do like the powerful colours of nature, I was reminded of the curious strong impact of B&W images. So I will revisit some of my images to see how they look in B&W and muse as to the appeal. This first I have published before. It had very little colour to start off with and whilst I loved the original image, I find this version has even more impact.
