For You

So, having published one image, distorted in photoshop, and though I now try and be cautious in the use of these techniques the image in this post is one of the favourite images that I have created, going back way before I started this blog. Feel free to see in it anything you choose; it is personal to you; I just hope that it stirs something in you,  it does in me.


A Third Look

Soon after I started using photoshop I discovered  some of the more curious options to manipulate the basic image, such as Distort and Stylise. It was fun and I overdid it, using them on practically every image I decided to work on. Then I took a second look  at what I was doing and largely moved away from these options as it had me stuck in a rut of producing fun yet very stereotyped images. Then I took a third look and concluded that occasionally they did produce something special, so I now try and use them very sparingly. The image in this post started off as some reeds in a marshy wilderness; the end result is a very minimalistic abstract.
